Design Guideline

This documentation provides a full spectrum of color palettes, suited for our UI design that work harmoniously with MaGIC brand colors.
4. Font
10. Sizing
11. Shadow
12. Time
1. Color

 There are 2 main palettes heavily used on MaGIC platform.

1.1 Grayscale

1.2 Brand Color

1.1 Grayscale









Our grays can be used on most UI elements but should be limited to:

1.1.1 Background color

1.1.2 Text colors

1.1.3 Border color

1.1.4 SVG fill colors

1.2 Brand Color











MaGIC brand colors should be used sparingly on most UI elements. Ideally, they are limited to primary actions or accents within the application.

1.3 Usage

1.3.1 Visual Messaging

Certain colors have inherent meaning for a large majority of users, although we recognize that cultural differences are plentiful. For example, we use red (crimson) to communicate an error, green (medium sea green) to indicate success, yellow to indicate warning and blue (cadet blue) for general information

1.3.2 Visual Differentiation

MaGIC uses many secondary colors in conjunction with iconography to visually differentiate between similar types of content, such as records of different object types. However, it’s important to not always rely on color to provide visual differentiation. If too many use cases employ color in this manner, the colors lose their meaning.

1.3.3 Visual Hierarchy

Color is used sparingly to draw attention to important elements and those that we want the user to take action on. Because most of the application is gray, pops of color catch a user’s eye.

1.3.4 Accessibility

It’s important that our products meet all web accessibility standards, including the minimum contrast ratios that the WCAG 2.0 specifies for text and background color combinations. This adherence helps users who are colorblind or have low vision to better interact with MaGIC website, but it also improves usability and readability for all users.

2. Text Color

Use these tokens for background colors only. Do not use these for border colors or text colors.


Sofia Pro

Use these tokens for background colors only. Do not use these for border colors or text colors.


Sofia Pro

Use these tokens for background colors only. Do not use these for border colors or text colors.


Sofia Pro

Use these tokens for background colors only. Do not use these for border colors or text colors.


Sofia Pro

Use these tokens for background colors only. Do not use these for border colors or text colors.

3. Border Color

Use these tokens for background colors only. Do not use these for border colors or text colors.

Light Grey




4. Font

Use these tokens for background colors only. Do not use these for border colors or text colors.


On April 27th 2014, MaGIC was launched by President Barack Obama and Prime Minister YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak with 7000 aspiring entrepreneurs in attendance. As part of the launch, MaGIC signed memorandum of understandings with Stanford University and UP Global to further foster and develop a vibrant startup ecosystem in Malaysia and beyond.

Sofia Pro

On April 27th 2014, MaGIC was launched by President Barack Obama and Prime Minister YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak with 7000 aspiring entrepreneurs in attendance. As part of the launch, MaGIC signed memorandum of understandings with Stanford University and UP Global to further foster and develop a vibrant startup ecosystem in Malaysia and beyond.

5. Font Size

Use these tokens for background colors only. Do not use these for border colors or text colors.

Heading 1 38/44

On April 27th 2014, MaGIC was launched by President Barack Obama and Prime Minister YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak with 7000 aspiring entrepreneurs in attendance. As part of the launch, MaGIC signed memorandum of understandings with Stanford University and UP Global to further foster and develop a vibrant startup ecosystem in Malaysia and beyond.

Heading 2 32/36

On April 27th 2014, MaGIC was launched by President Barack Obama and Prime Minister YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak with 7000 aspiring entrepreneurs in attendance. As part of the launch, MaGIC signed memorandum of understandings with Stanford University and UP Global to further foster and develop a vibrant startup ecosystem in Malaysia and beyond.

Heading 3 24/30

On April 27th 2014, MaGIC was launched by President Barack Obama and Prime Minister YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak with 7000 aspiring entrepreneurs in attendance. As part of the launch, MaGIC signed memorandum of understandings with Stanford University and UP Global to further foster and develop a vibrant startup ecosystem in Malaysia and beyond.

Heading 4 18/24

On April 27th 2014, MaGIC was launched by President Barack Obama and Prime Minister YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak with 7000 aspiring entrepreneurs in attendance. As part of the launch, MaGIC signed memorandum of understandings with Stanford University and UP Global to further foster and develop a vibrant startup ecosystem in Malaysia and beyond.

Heading 5 14/20

On April 27th 2014, MaGIC was launched by President Barack Obama and Prime Minister YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak with 7000 aspiring entrepreneurs in attendance. As part of the launch, MaGIC signed memorandum of understandings with Stanford University and UP Global to further foster and develop a vibrant startup ecosystem in Malaysia and beyond.

Heading 6 12/18

On April 27th 2014, MaGIC was launched by President Barack Obama and Prime Minister YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak with 7000 aspiring entrepreneurs in attendance. As part of the launch, MaGIC signed memorandum of understandings with Stanford University and UP Global to further foster and develop a vibrant startup ecosystem in Malaysia and beyond.

6. Opacity

Use these tokens for background colors only. Do not use these for border colors or text colors.

7. Line-Height

Use these tokens for background colors only. Do not use these for border colors or text colors.

8. Spacing

Use these tokens for background colors only. Do not use these for border colors or text colors.

9. Radius

Use these tokens for background colors only. Do not use these for border colors or text colors.

10. Sizing

Use these tokens for background colors only. Do not use these for border colors or text colors.

11. Shadow

Use these tokens for background colors only. Do not use these for border colors or text colors.

12. Time

Use these tokens for background colors only. Do not use these for border colors or text colors.

13. Media Query

Use these tokens for background colors only. Do not use these for border colors or text colors.

14. Z-index

Use these tokens for background colors only. Do not use these for border colors or text colors.