
A panel is typically used to provide supplemental information or form inputs that relate to your primary canvas.
1. Design Guideline

A panel is typically used to provide supplemental information or form inputs that relate to your primary canvas.

The panel should take up 50% of the height of its parent container. In most cases, that would be the viewport or main stage of your application.

Panels are broken into three sections: the header, body, and footer.

1. Header - Includes the title and an optional tagline. The title reflects the button text that triggered it. The tagline can contain links, or the entire tagline can be a link. Unlike Modal, panel header does not come with unique color to represent any visual meaning.

2. Body - You can have any type of content: forms, text, videos, and other media. For a directional panel, you can add a step indicator to indicate the user’s progress

3. Footer - Contains the navigational and action buttons. Action buttons, such as Save, Close, Delete, are on the right. Place the primary button—the one that guides the user toward the default action on the far right. For a directional modal, like a wizard, place the Next and Back navigation buttons on the opposite sides (left for Back and right for Next).

Example of form input inside panel

Reset Password

Example of progress bar inside panel without panel header
Example of account data export inside panel without panel header

Download Your Information

Example of account data export (processing) inside panel without panel header

Getting Your Data

Example of account data export (success) inside panel without panel header

Getting Your Data

Example of account data export (success) inside panel without panel header

Getting Your Data

2. Implementation Notes

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3. Reference

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